Premise Differentiation: How *NOT* to Pitch a Premise

When we talk about our premises, we naturally think about differentiation. But being “different” can anchor us to the competition, rather than our audience and our ideas for helping them.

I like the word “refreshing” as a result.

  • When you ask, “How am I different?” you’re also asking, “Different from whom?” The competition.

  • But when you ask, “How am I refreshing?” you’re asking, “Refreshing TO whom?” The audience. The customer. The client. The people you’re here to help.

Here is an example I found in the wild of a company much too focused on the competition — or even too focused on their own excitement for being “different” — so that they end up pitching a premise that doesn’t connect.

PS: If you’re wondering, YES, I saw the suggested thumbnail below and couldn’t possibly change it. Enjoy!