Premise Differentiation: Editing a LinkedIn Post to Match the Emotional Power of Your Premise [VIP Tasting]

Tastings are the (very on-brand for the Kitchen) work samplings I offer to new VIP members who join our membership, wherein they send a draft or a public piece, and I offer to provide notes.

In the video below, please find two things:

  1. My framework for providing feedback (which can serve us all, everywhere we offer feedback to others — or request it of others)

  2. My notes for Clara Chorley, VIP member of the Kitchen. Find her on LinkedIn or visit to learn more.

Here’s the copy from the LinkedIn post, sent to me by Clara:

Acts of bravery rely on instinct rather than an active thought process.
Evidence shows that brave individuals often act on their impulses,
perhaps skipping conscious decision-making,” psychology professor and
researcher Dr. E. Jayawickreme.

Does this ring true for you?

I’d say all of my bravest decisions are instinctive.

An instinct deep inside that goes beyond any pros and cons from my mind.

I’m scared every single time, and simultaneously each one feels right in
that illusive feeling-right-sort-of-way.

—> Not taking that return flight back ‘home’ to the UK in my early 20s,
staying in the US changed my entire life.

—> Quitting a great job in my 30s even though I couldn’t describe why it
wasn’t right, I just knew it wasn’t where I belonged and I wanted to go
to India.

—> Starting a business during a recession with no idea what I was doing.

—> Moving that business online a few years later so I could work from
anywhere - this was a scary one that’s led to enormous freedom.

I’m a happier, healthier human because of these decisions.

Share one of yours.