Connect with your fellow chefs

As part of your membership, you get access to the members-only Creator Kitchen Slack community. To help you make the most of it, we’ve shared some tips below about how we use Slack as a community (and how we don’t), as well as descriptions of each of the key channels you'll want to be familiar with.

How we collectively keep the CK Slack awesome:

  • Be Generous: In an active community, we all give at least as much as we get.

    • React and reply to others’ posts whenever you’re able

    • Avoid the “post-and-ghost” by engaging even when you don’t need something

    • Share resources, recommendations, and your own experience when it would be helpful

  • Be Efficient: In a valuable community, we can all easily find the goodness.

    • Reply in threads (instead of replying to the entire channel) to keep conversations organized. (Here’s how)

    • Refer to the channel descriptions below (and on Slack) to find the right place to put things

    • Be clear and specific with the type of feedback you’re looking for (or not looking for)

  • Be Cool: In a supportive community, we all feel welcome and appreciated.

    • Observations and clarifying questions help build things up. Criticism tears things down.

    • We welcome sweet, savory and even a bit of spice, but try to avoid making things sour, salty, or bitter

    • No hate-speech, bullying, harassment or general butt-headery. (But notify us if you see any sneak in)

  • Have fun: In a creative community, we can all show up as weird and wonderful ourselves.

    • Use GIFs, emojis, memes, and whatever else helps you express yourself 💛 🔥 🎉

    • Tangents, tomfoolery and general nonsense are most welcome in #06_just-for-fun

    • Kitchen wordplay, cooking puns, and food analogies are always encouraged.

Guide to CK Slack Channels

  • This is our general chat channel for any questions or posts that don't fit in one of our other channels.

    All members get notified of posts in this channel. That doesn't mean you should be afraid of using it, but it is worth checking if another channel might be a better fit before posting here.

    Here are some things you might use general for:

    • Seeking recommendations on tools, software, or freelancers for a specific creative purpose or project

    • Asking for a specific type of feedback on a creative project or piece

    • Sharing a challenge, struggle or obstacle, and asking others about their experiences with the same or similar

    • Seeing if any other of your fellow chefs are attending an industry event

  • This is the place to share your excitement and to share your creative accomplishments, big or small.

    This is the place you can go for virtual high fives, hugs, rounds of applause about any and every positive signal you receive on this creative journey we're all on.

    You might share happy things like these:

    • Getting awesome feedback from a subscriber, listener, follower, or reader

    • Having a proposal, submission, or application accepted

    • Hitting a milestone, like 10 subscribers, 100 episodes, or 1000 subscribers

    • Rocking a presentation, virtually or on stage

    • Being asked to give a presentation or speech

    • Having a breakthrough, realization, or sudden clarity

    • Interviewing, meeting or collaborating with someone you admire

    • Closing a new client or signing a big deal

    • Winning an award or receiving an honor

    • Being featured on a podcast or in an article

    • Finally doing that one thing you've been putting off for much longer than you care to admit that turned out to be nowhere near as bad as you thought it would be but you still got it done and because of that you deserve applause so we will give it to you because that's what community is for

  • This is the place to share what you’re making, whenever you make it! We try to emphasize the work that the world can see, so this channel is mostly for sharing things like these:

    • Link to an article, blog, or other piece you wrote

    • Podcast episode you just dropped

    • Video you just made, posted, or uploaded

    • Social post you’re particularly proud of

    Occasionally, you might also use #03_show-your-work to show off work done on on a project that isn’t public yet. It might look like any of these:

    • Screenshot showing the updated word count on your book

    • Screenshot of an application/submission confirmation

    • Photo of a whiteboard with a model you’re working out

    • Photo of your completed to-do list

  • This is a read-only channel where Jay & Mel share behind-the-scenes updates on how the sausage gets made. (Sausage = The Creator Kitchen)

    It's our way of building this thing WITH you, not just FOR you.

    You can't post directly to this channel (only Mel & Jay can), but you CAN react with emojis and reply in threads, and we welcome both!

    Here's the type of stuff you'll see here:

    • Sneak peeks of upcoming masterclasses as they're in progress

    • Polls about things you might be interested in (future masterclass topics, guest chefs, features, etc.)

    • Kitchen features and processes we're planning, working on, or troubleshooting

    • How the business side of The Kitchen is doing

    • Early/exclusive updates about our other non-Kitchen projects (upcoming webinars we're giving, books we're writing, partnerships we're involved in, etc.)

  • This one is fairly self-explanatory, but each chef posts once in this channel when they first join the CK Slack to introduce themselves, their work, their interests, and the creators and work that inspire them.

    It's worth reading these and replying even after you've posted yours, because you might find a:

    • Fellow creative that lives in the same city or region as you

    • New pal to talk to about your shared favorite band, team, show, etc.

    • Podcast you should listen to

    • Newsletter you should subscribe to

    • Video, show or movie you should watch

    • Book, poem or article you should read

  • This is the place for anything not technically related to our creative work, and all kinds of unrelated shenanigans.

    This is where other chefs (and you!) can share:

    • Pet pics (all species welcome)

    • General life updates (moving, getting a new car, and other real life things)

    • A hilarious comedy special or underrated Netflix series you just watched

    • Social posts that will make us laugh, cry, or shake our fist at the sky (or all three)

    • Screenshot of your best Duolingo streak, your high score on Candy Crush, or correctly guessing the Wordle on your first try

    • Video of you playing Wonderwall on guitar or doing a backflip (or playing Wonderwall while doing a backflip. Dream big. )

    • Recipe from your latest attempt at baking the perfect loaf of sourdough bread

    • Photo of a blanket you crocheted using yarn made of your cat's fur (you do you)

  • This is where you share the words and work that inspire yours.

    Here are the types of things you can share here:

    • A creative project that impressed you

    • A masterful piece of writing you can across

    • TEDtalk or other speech that made your jaw drop

    • A masterful interview we can all learn from

    • Someone pushing the boundaries of an industry, craft, or platform,

  • This is a read-only channel where automated reminders appear, helping to notify you of upcoming events and calls, like:

    • 🎓 Masterclasses

    • ⭐️ Guest Chef Visits

    • 💙 Roundtables

    • 🚪 Office Hours

    • 🔔 Any other timely announcements