Premise Differentiation: What If Others Don't Connect With My Premise?

Hey Chef! Before we really dive into the nitty gritty of premise development, I’d like you to accept a hard truth.

To ensure your premise is both differentiated from others AND capable of supporting a high-stakes project (e.g. a show, newsletter, or your entire platform), you will need to share your ideas a whole lot before you feel they’re ready!

In other words, I want you to constantly aerate your ideas.

In this video, I talk about why that matters — and what to do if your audience isn’t excited or even actively dislikes or disagrees with what you say.

I’m sharing this video now, ahead of any prescriptions for HOW to develop your premise, so that you can proceed with confidence from the very beginning, using our forthcoming content to do so.

Keep making what matters!

Those questions again:

  1. Was it the wrong idea? (Choose a new direction.)

  2. Was it the wrong audience? (Choose a new place to put your content, but be careful to actually ensure the audience is somehow different — even if it just means adding better framing to the top of the piece, like saying “If you’re [this type of person]”. Don’t just copy/paste it everywhere.)

  3. Was it the wrong articulation of the idea? (Rework the language and re-post something relating to your initial idea.)

And here’s a link to the tweet shown in the video.