Medium agnostic. This menu applies to any type of content or experience where you are interviewing a guest or subject.

About this menu:

Interviewing is a skill which enhances your life in all kinds of unexpected ways, in content and conversation, at work and at home.  It is the definition of the skills we believe in most strongly in the kitchen: transferable and personal, meaning it goes with you everywhere you show up and you will execute it in your own unique way to create things in ways only you can.

In this menu, members enjoy the masterclass from Jay, plus surrounding prompts and templates, to help you improve your approach to both preparing for and executing your interviews.

You will learn:

  • A couple crucial ways to frame this interview stuff, so you can deliver higher-caliber content each time

  • The three elements that make up a great interview (and the one we often overlook)

  • How to identify and solve the “upstream” problems causing “downstream” stress before and during interviews

  • How to prep well, ask great questions, and respond if the interview doesn’t go according to plan (spoiler: always)




Presented by Jay Acunzo.


💥 Prompts and Templates

Jay’s guest outreach email

(this one to Seth Godin)

Anticipating Questions (Calendar invite blurb for Jay’s Show):

Guest research tips

Asking Great questions

The 3 main types of questions:

Other questions:

Controlling the interview experience


👨🏻‍🍳 Chef Tutorial: Behind-the-scenes

Jay helps Melanie prepare for a big upcoming interview

Watch the interview with Cathy McPhillips here, if you’re curious how it panned out!


📂 Other Resources

🎙️ Jay’s appearance on The Learning Leader Show, where he and veteran host Ryan Hawk dissect the craft of interviewing, including playing clips to analyze. Listen here.

📝 The interview magic of big names like Stern, Gross, Simmons, Glass, and Swisher: 9 of their best questions.

📝 3 interview questions to always have at the ready. Read the post.

📝 What makes a great interview? 3 simple pointers.