About this menu:

Stop throwing spaghetti at the wall. Stop launching projects that are misaligned with your mission and your business. Learn to carefully craft your business model and use that as an unfair advantage for vetting and launching your ideas, not simply to convert business in the short-term, but so you can fund your creativity and your life.

This starts with intentional business design.



🎓 Guest Chef Michelle Warner

Designing Your Unfair Advantage: How Business Model Alignment Clarifies Which Ideas Will Work and Which Won't

Michelle Warner is a highly trusted veteran of the online entrepreneur space. She's a behind-the-scenes sensei of sorts to entrepreneurs who run service-based businesses -- including several folks within the Kitchen. Michelle has even helped coach and develop the business of our very own Jay Acunzo, while Jay helped develop Michelle's premise for her podcast, Sequence Over Strategy (because knowing the right next move to make matters more than knowing all the moves in theory -- sequence first, always).

If you are thinking about your business model and how to connect your content and your marketing to your revenue more seamlessly, this is the session for you.



📂 Additional Resources

➡️ Michelle post: On traffic vs. relationship models

➡️ Michelle’s podcast: Sequence Over Strategy

📍 Michelle’s appearance on Jay’s past show, Unthinkable: How to build your business without social media

The three levers of business alignment and growth, from Michelle’s guest chef session: